Virtual Villagers Tips & Tricks, Walkthroughs, Guides, Hints and HelpLast Day of Work Official Forums: Virtual Families, Virtual Villagers, Fish Tycoon
We are AIMING for a launch on Monday 22nd. "Aiming" because there is always the chance that we get delayed for one reason or the other. Thanks for support and your patience.
Carla Executive Producer Last Day of Work
I love it it looks positively awsome. Way to go Arthur and all at LDW. I am getting in line for mondays launch.....Thanks a million for the update Carla.
i jumped up and down and my mom ran upstairs to see what was wrong now she's mad but i am really really really really happy i can't wait i am already getting my account ready to buy this game yepeeeeeee
Life looks better after a bar of chocolate
Registered: 04/25/09
Posts: 7
Loc: perth australia
wow, how great does it look. Worth the wait, and yes bub should of come first, so cute. nice to put a face to the game, makes mit even more personal. so excited. love from a granny aussie
thanks for video and for all your virtual games -villagers and family. LDW has made thoughtful and innovative entertainment that i have spent (not wasted!)many hours playing and enjoying.
wauw it looks so COOL I'm in line next monday and I totally understand the delay after all our real villagers must come first and he certainly looks like our next VV-gamedesigner doesn't he???
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