Pepe's Adventure Log Three - The Shiny Thing

Pepe was becoming an old turtle. He had been the pet of Dakota's children, and Dakota's daughter's children, and he was beginning to run out of adventures; now that so much time had gone by, he was almost never out of the family's sight. Indeed, Pepe had roamed the house for many, many years.

One day, while Pepe was looking around the shed (After running into the rude, red, bouncy turtle again), he spotted a hole in the fence. There was even something in it Pepe had never seen before; something nice and shiny. Pepe had always had a fondness for shiny things, so, making sure no one was around, he crawled (even slower than he had been before) into the hole, and was never seen again.

The family was upset; they loved Pepe more than anything in the world. So, after waiting many years for the turtle to return, they decided to buy a cat, which they named "Whiskers".

One day, Whiskers stumbled upon Pepe's old journal, which had a message written inside of it, with the date of the last time anyone had seen Pepe written in the corner; "Something shiny behind the fence. Just going to look..."

And so, Whiskers decided to fill Pepe's journal with even more adventures, and, when Whiskers decided to go, so did Marco, and Travis, and many other cats, dogs, and even turtles. Pepe had given himself a legacy; and now, the rest of the family pets were having adventures of their own. Of course, no one forgot to credit Pepe the Turtle for giving them the idea in the first place.

Edited by Rockmower (02/18/10 04:30 AM)
Everything that is, or was, began with a dream. ~ Lavagirl