I've been considering making a video tutorial (or series of videos) on mod making/merging. If I were to try to do this, what topics would you like me to cover? Merging mods would likely get it's own separate short video, so that one's a given. But I want to get everyone else's opinion.
Those of you just getting started in modding, what things would you like to know more about?
Keep in mind that my tutorial will be for GIMP, because I don't have Photoshop or anything else besides GIMP, really. Also, I may not be able to cover everything asked for because of the limitations of my personal modding abilities.
I'm willing to try, though, since this seems to be something a lot of people would like to be able to get their hands on. Sometimes getting to watch someone do something is easier than reading text. smile
Bring on the feedback, people! laugh
And what if it makes you laugh now but you cry as you fall asleep?