I asked about that in an earlier thread and at that time, Lady said that what the description means is that multiple doses will not help more -- not that dosing multiple times will "decrease" the chance of them having kids though. It just isn't supposed to "help" them conceive as much as the first dose does. But I agree with the rest of you, it wasn't well written. Apparently it wasn't well written in either the game guide nor in the game. I have both, but after skimming over the guide, I found that coming here was far more helpful and haven't looked at the guide since.

But, now that I've said that -- yes, I given more than one dose and always end up with at least a single baby still. I have ten families and most are either on their third or fourth generation now. When I got the .05 version, I completely uninstalled my game, reinstalled it, added the game code that was in my email back in and started as though I had just received the game.

I have had at least 5 sets of triplets and 2 or 3 sets of twins. I actually get more triplets than twins. Several were born "after" I dosed them, but at least one set of triplets just happened on my first try -- before using the baby boost. So, maybe my game is like that other person's game where her peeps just seem to carry the "multiples" gene or something. smile