When I first became aware that LDW released the new "Virtual Families" game I immediately went to my HP Games and tried it out. After my tokens ran out (the day after). I found another trial version and downloaded it. It was only a 60 minute trial...lasted me a day. So I bought it that day. So excited to be able to continue my families, as I haven't purchased any of the VV series yet and have been dying to own my own LDW game. (:

So anyways, this is probably my 3rd day with the same set of families (3) and I could not be loving it more. I have managed to get many of the trophies, and solve many puzzles. I have earned about $2000 on my main account, and the oldest child is 16.

One problem I'm having is lack of multiple children per birth. Out of the many births on my computer (20+) not a single was a multiple children birth.

Another problem- 2 of the 3 of my families have not been concieving children? They both have had 2 children, both are now 16 and 9 years of age. They have tried having children MANY times, as much as possible, and neither of the families have produced a child since. Where as my other family is completely the opposite, and has had a child every time but once. Why is this? I have given the two families doctor check-ups to see if maybe they have an infection or something causing infertility, nothing. Can something help this? They've both had the baby boost.

My suggestions:
-It would be so nice if there was a boost to have multiple children at a time?
-If there was an option to adopt children when you please, not the occasional "child landing on your doorstep"
-If either the store items were cheaper or the salaries were higher? I'm having a bit of trouble saving money...consider the tiny salaries and the horribly high food prices.

Check out my VF blog- http://myvffamily.blogspot.com/