((This story is true. It is my little family!)
Manu, a 29-year-old Novice Artist, walked into the house. He looked around. Wrappers were all over the floor. As soon as he cleaned them all up, he went out and pulled all the weeds. As he was pulling the weeds, he saw a doorknob-a doorknob!-in the sandbox. He remembered the door on the shed being broken. "OH!" he said. This doorknob must be the Shed's!, he thought brightly. As soon as he found it, he walked to the door. On his way he saw an old coin. Not just any old coin, either, but a RARE coin! He brought it in and put it in the spare chest of drawers. He went to the computers to start his work as a Novice Artist when a yellow email sign popped up on the screen. He clicked it and read an Email. It was a marriage proposal! He looked at the girl. Shebe, 23, was a Novice Artist, liked loose socks and wanted kids! He accepted the proposal and waited as she came to his house. When she got there, they celebrated their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Maui ate dinner and went to bed, happy at the day's happenings.

To be countinued....

Chapter Spoiler(SCROLL OVER IF YO DARE!):
Shebe and Manu have a little surprise that interrupts their work for quite a while!

Originally Posted By: Forum Moderator
HOORAY! OUR VERY FIRST VF STORY! Thank you HelloWorld! for posting this tale. I hope to see more VF stories appearing here soon! laugh

Edited by Rockmower (04/29/09 11:14 AM)
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