Originally Posted By: Miyazaki
LDW can only give us a date when they are exactly sure. It was an estimate that it will come out in the 1st quarter of 2009. So it might be released in the 2nd quarter because they still need to perform Beta testing and remove harmful bugs. Then the game will be finished and announced. When LDW has time, they might reveal a video or have the picture shown. I am to waiting for the game but we cannot pressurize LDW to reveal the game, make a video or show the picture. Let them be and be patient. And probably, if we don't pressurize LDW to much, they will finish faster, add more fun to it, and as soon as you know it, the game will be out! I mean, I'm not trying to make you guys do what I want, but I just think we should stop telling them to hurry up. Thank you for understanding! smile wink
Actually The game was started several months ago and they probally start beta testing at 80% and also squish bugs at about 90-95. at 95 to 100 they calcuate the price, make the box cover, brainwash the beta testers, and buy more camoflodge for their HQ
Why am I still here? Why not?