Chapter 14

A Change of face

Kilu as he tasted the contents from the vial and the taste was so tempting that he knock back the rest to Kai's horror. He unexpectedly felt over come with disorienation and then everything came back to normal, he felt like running around and jumping up and down, he never felt this good since he drank the last vial a few Isola years ago. 'It worked it worked he said excitedly wow I'm young again!!!'
'Yes too well, you look like a 13 year old and look at your face and hair!!'
'Why what's wrong with my face?' panicking hopping he was not uglier than before.
'Nothing' Kai explained, but just look at your reflection in the water,'
'Oh' then looked 'OH NO.' I got hair and it's red
Kai looked at him in surprised and said, 'What do you mean "OH NO", you look really cute in red hair.'
'I hate cute, I hate red hair \:o Kilu saying outranged, 'then again I could get use to this yea sure can.' Beginning to admire his own reflection.
'Well don't get too use to it you got some growing up to do now, as you not be able to 'work now for at least an Isola year, your 13 now, 7 years younger than me.'
Kilu had the pull to join the game of tag with the other children, while Kai just gave out a big sigh and to think he was impatient before to continue the expedition, well at least we got time to enjoy and relax until my twins are old enough to ring the gong to get vision. Let hope it will work as the gong can be unpredictable. Thought Kai Her other thoughts were, as she walked along the beach to relax, working out how old she would be when her daughters be 14 she would be 32 and Kilu would be 25 there a bouts. Maybe Kilu was right after all I probably be too comfortable living here by the time I'm in my thirties I won't want to move. Kai thought then since I am going to be here for a while and Kilu is to young to father children, I might as well find a job to do.

Kai decided to work on researching as she Master Scientist with all the researching she had done on the quest and she knew she could help the villagers in many ways. As she was already An EE and after a while she had already mastered science and she wanted to take up something she never tried before. She already a master doctor, master farmer, and then she thought I never tried construction before and she asked one of the master builders if they could teach her the basics and she felt like a clumsy idiot as she kept dropping a nail or hitting the hammer in the wrong place and kept shaking her head as villagers do if they fail at a task Bobo told her to take a break and maybe try again later when she is in a better mood, as Kai knowing she was an elder could not understand why she could not handle a simple job like a hammer and nail.
Bobo said, every one is the same when they start something new, it's not as easy as it looks, you got to make sure you hold the nail straight and into the grove and you got to have a steady hand to hold the nail and make sure you don't hit your thumb. That is the most common injury that builders get, Bobo showed her his thumb and he displayed his thumb like a trophy saying I build the hospital and cleared the barbed thons where the gong is many years ago with this thumb.'
Kai asked, 'Wow how old are you.'
'Well lady on just turned 87 Isola years old now and I hope to carry on building until the guiding hand says it's time to join the little peeps up in the sky,'
'Wow you don't look like a day over 50, Kai said and meant it.
'You go and enjoy the pond or something and then do what I showed you right,'
Kai said, 'Thinks for all your help.'
'Don't mention it' and Bobo went back to fixing the huts.

After taking Bobo's advice she had a long cool relaxation in the pool and the walked along the beach feeling the cool sea breeze on her face. Kai then decided to have an other go at fixing the hut and she remembered what Bobo had taught her and this time she improved at construction giving her a builder's skill. She looked around for Bobo wanting to tell him that she had passed the first hurdle as a builder, but she could not see him, anywhere. Kilu who was now re-grown-up now came over to Kilu that Bobo had just died.
'Oh no' \:o Kai said, and I was just speaking to him about ten minutes ago and he seemed fine, I can't believe he just went just like that.' \:\(
Well said Kilu sadly, 'It happens to all of us adventley, that's life.' \:\(
'I know, but it's so sad and I thought he might have lived much longer than 87.' Kai said,
You know no body on this island live longer than their eighties. The oldest I know that is long ago buried once lived till she was 89.'
Kai was a bit down after hearing the bad news of Bobo, and she said, 'Come on lets not dwell on this subject and talk about something cheerful.'
'Right.' Kilu said Guess what I just mastered, then paused waiting for Kai to give the right answer.
But what Kai said, 'well, don't hold me in suspense, mastered what.'
'Can't you guess?'
'I have become a Master Builder,' Said Kilu proudly.
'Oh is that all, well done and I can't even manage a hammer feeling a bit jealous.
I got this and he showed her some sort of scroll and his name printed at the top and written on it;

This scroll is The Award that Kilu hereby achieving mastering the arts of Architecture in two Isola years.

'Wow that's wonderful. Congratulations Kilu you deserve it'

Several Isola years had gone by and Kai's twins would soon be 14 and Kai was wondering how the time had flown by. She had not mastered construction as quickly as Kilu did but was now Adept Builder. Kilu on the other hand had just mastered three skills, but since the village already had over 50 elders was not Awarded to EE, however, at least he had his Scroll and that was very unique as not many villagers always achieve that Award. Kai had another baby once Kilu was 18, and it was a boy who also had red hair like his dad and he was 4 already and his name was Bobo after Bobo who had died after he taught her the arts of construction in his memory. Kai and Kilu would soon be moving on to continue the expedition as soon as the twins turned 14 and one of them was going to have to ring the gong. It was up to the guiding Hand which twin it was to be whether it would be Lulu or Lisha. It would have to be the right twin otherwise it would not work. The twins knew of the task ahead and both of them would be 14 the following day and Kai and their step dad made sure they both had an early night for the big day tomorrow.

To be continued