Hmmm... Bribery didn't work (again)!
Begging hasn't worked (yet)!
Attempts at confusing them into telling have failed (to our dismay)!
Bribing with Chocolate; Flowers and Money have all failed (DRATS)!
Attempting to infiltrate the LDW secret lair has failed (none of knows where it is)!

I KNOW! Let's try FLATTERY! (Hey I've heard it'll get you anywhere)

Queen Carla, we think you are the bestest Queen on the forum.
Barb Lady Fair, You are the greatest administrator we could ever ask for.
Ladies, when you mumble lines of game code at us, our hearts skip a beat.

Whatta ya think guys and gals? Think this approach might work? You come up with some! If we bombard them with sweet talk maybe they'll break down and give us a hint! \:D \:D \:D \:D
Fan Fiction Mentor

Avvie by Airstream Raider
Where have all the Fan Fiction Fans gone?
(I miss Laurence cry)
I miss my wife cry