Originally Posted By: HarryFan17
OK. Thanks for telling me Jazzo and laurence. I wasn't sure about that.
You're welcome!
Originally Posted By: ngiarratano
You had better add in to Article No 2 no feeding to sharks
\:D Right!! \:D \:D \:D
But I have put some "…" that means "and so on", "etc." I think that people are old enough to understand!
How many new dangers are in VV3? \:8 \:8 \:8 ;\)

Welcome ngiarratano and cassie!!!

Originally Posted By: sherilee2004
I, Sheri Kingdon , do hereby solemnly vow to do all within my power to minimize unnecesary cruelty to all Virtual Villagers (real or imagined) in the name of the SPCV.

Dated this 12 day of May 2008

Witnessed by Laurence (secretary)

I hope this is how you join! Thank you..


Originally Posted By: Jennings
I, Jennings (EverthePixie), do hereby solemnly vow to do all within my power to minimize unnecessary cruelty to all Virtual Villagers (real or imagined) in the name of SPCV.

Dated this 12th day of May 2008.

Witnessed by Laurence (secretary).

Well, does saying the vow in front of my four cats count? If so, Bombadil, Bella, Fric & Frac swear I'll be nice to my villagers.

Edited by laurence (05/12/08 04:36 PM)
My Story: Aika's Memoirs in Kitten's forum