Originally Posted By: Kadgii Kailali
My name came back in term one (school semester) when my friends and i were writting stories. Anna came up with de kat kallamari. Claire came up with kadgii. Kailali is my club penguin username: i was stuck at the time.

So my full net name is Kadgii Kailali De Kat Kallamari. Its a mouthful!
That is a mouthful! lol For some reason, when I see your nickname, I think of the singer Colbie Caillat. LOL... I know, there's no real resemblance between the two, but I have a bit of an odd mind (in a good way). \:D
Maybe it's because I have to think pretty hard to get the pronunciation of your nickname right... and I don't even know if I'm right! LOL
And what if it makes you laugh now but you cry as you fall asleep?