
Well, i am new to the forums but i just bought Fish tycoon a few days ago and already have 6/7 of the fish and all items. Its that 4th fish im still tracking down. But i must admit im addicted and i dont know why.

However, there is probably a lot of threads about addons and stuff but i wanted to add mine to without spoiling anyone elses. I have played online games my entire life. And i would like to see the game expanded more here are some ideas.

1.) More fish tanks, its a store all stores have more than three tanks of fish. (yes i know isola water but still)

2.) Salt water tank would be nice

3.) have options for buying bigger, better and more tank 10 gallon, 20 gallon, 50 gallon and 100 gallons this could potentiall pave the way to buy bigger fish OR you can sell them at the store as supplies to people who buy the fish. half the people walking into the store probably have a fishbowl at home that poor fish is going into and not a real tank setup At the rate i am going i will have the game beaten in another two days tops. Which is sad cause i like it but i dont like repeating beaten games unless there is something to add to it that makes it worth it.

4.) More and various accessories and more slots up top to put bought items in. Its frustrating when one fish comes down with ick and you cured the last fish that had fungus with one drop so now you have to buy the ick treatment and you lose the last two dosages of the fungus and vice versa.

5.) This game could really be bigger than zoo tycoon if more as added to it (sales wise).

6.) Have actions installed to where we also have to clean the tanks, a clean tank is a healthy tank. ALso, add additions for buying PH solution and water cleaners. The ph level in all tanks must be just right for fish to thrive and install ph testing equipment, chloring testing, etc. You get the idea.

7.) Luckily for me i got this game discounted by an online site because for 19.95 there just wasnt enough there for me to be enticed to buy it. For 19.95 i bought Battlestar Galactica for my pc and thats a high end game. So add more to make it worth wile for others considering the game to make them WANT to buy it.

8.) Allow you to take care of your fish while you are selling, such as monitoring breeding, ick, fungus etc.

Now, please dont misunderstand me im addicted to it im just worried about after i beat it and i reallt really want more stuff for this game cause i would love to see it enhanced.
9 on down are addon suggestions i found as i played more

9 Edited:) We should not be pulling baby fish out with our fingers, we should be using fishnets for that. That way we can scoop out more than one fish at a time and not damage the fish in transition and our body oils are not geting on the fish and into the water. I know its a technical detail but its hard also to click the little buggers. And we would have to buy different type fishnets for certain size fish small medium and large nets, and maybe different kinds of fish nets.

10.) More magical fish breedings are possible and unknown until breeding occurs between multiple types of bred fish.

11.) Different graphics for pregnant fish, i got tired of clicking everyfish to find out which one was pregnant.

12.) use the isolation tanks only for ill or injured fish. Allow the fish to breed naturally in their tanks well sped up by time of course or insert a divider in a breeding tank to separate what fish you want to mate rathre than moving them around.

13.) Allow the user to design their own tanks so that it is jore estheticallt pleasing gravel, plants, ornaments etc and that effects fish health, vitality, virility etc. As an example on of the tanks that we have the second one is primarily a salt water designed tank you can tell by the background ornaments but we only have freshwater fish. I.E, pet store owner buys a tank full of water, checks the water for temp, acidity, ph, chloramines, adds gravel, adds filtration system (ooh good idea different types of filtration systems), backdrops etc. Then oula adds fish eggs and lets see what happens. Could do this with each tank except for the initial tank and the breeding tank which comes preinstalled but can be adapted throughout the game.

14.) Beta's are primarily solo fish and shouldnt be kept with other fish these are also AKA Fighting Fish. Should only be kept together to mate and not with other fish. So offer smaller bowls for just Beta's.

Edit: As i continue to play like 18hours a day ill add more things that i saw as i played but i want to do them all at once or a few at at time rahter than one at a time because that would just be rude for me to post one idea at a time heeh. There was a lot more i thought about after i typed this that were not as important but would have been nice features or improvments to overall gameplay

Edited by Raquel Santiago (02/24/08 04:31 PM)