I saw that the other day. I had never noticed it before.

It may be a history of the island...maybe a prediction of things to come since it seemed to predict some villagers coming over the waterfall.

I recognized the waterfall...though there appears to be three people (two on the side, one on the top) falling down it as opposed to the two which start out VV2. Could that have been how the original lost children got to that side of the island before?

The other part, hmmm... it almost appears that they're going to start taking care of animals or something. Though, I can't figure out what the other person near the top is doing. Looks as though she's throwing something...maybe picking something off from what appears to be plants. The garden, maybe?

Curious....I do hope it's a clue. I would almost bet that we'll get VV3 and think...Duh! That's what was on the cave wall in VV1.

We shall see! \:\)

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