OK, Phoebe loves the mods and wants to place an order.
Phoebe's order:
Spotted - 5
Painted - 5a
Daisy - 2
Nox - Mix: 1, 2, and 4
Bluestar - 4
Mystic - 2
Rosaceae - 2
Viola - 3
Jalapa - 2
Fabled - Mix: Robert, 3, and 5
Fragrant - 1
Blazing - Mix: DW, 2, and 3
Fourpetal - 3
Aureus - Robert
Venomous - 5
Mela - Mix: DW and 3
Citrus - 3
Arthurium - Mix: True and 1
Venus - Mix: 1, 3, and DW
Tahitian - Mix: 1, 3, and 4
Lilia - Mix: Robert, 4, and 5
Baccatus - Mix: 3a, 4a, and 5a
Tilia - Mix: 1a, 2a, and 3a

Fave color - Pink and Purple