It's playoffs! The first week didn't have any upsets as sfrose's rockets, Village Idiot's, Arnie's Anchormen, and Mysti's Marvels all easily coasted into the semi-finals. Gramma's Gorillas and the Isolans did amazingly well considering that they seemed to be absentee managers all season. I'm routing for RifsterManiacs and Eye's Exterminators to win this week's games, even if they're not in the final four.

ITMT, THE BYE WEEK got 85 points in week 14 games! That's the second highest score he got all season! It's too bad we were already in playoff mode!

It looks like it'll be a close game between VI and my team, but I've seen projected points go all over the place, so I'm not counting on anything until next Tuesday morning, but will be routing for a Chicago win Monday night. Of course, I'll also be routing for the Pats to win, but by not too much so VI doesn't rack up the Def points. ;\)

New England Patriots: 13-0!!!
Red Sox--2007 World Champions!
Celtics--2008 NBA Champions!

Isola is a magic island! All sorts of strange things can happen, and often do happen. -- arnie