Yes, terrific news . . . My villagers are feeling deserted I think since I've almost abandoned them -- after replaying several times, and continuing several games way beyond the "finish" of the puzzles, finding collectibles, etc. -- in favor of plants from Isola! What would they think of me for showing such sudden interest in their foliage and so little of their village. I need motivation of VV3 to go back to the

While waiting for plants to grow and germinate -- and sell! --I've wondered if the Villagers in 3 will be newly wealthy and worldly due to all their recent export business (plants, soil, water!). How far is the LDW interaction between the games going to go?? I'm hoping the village is not looking barren due to all the plant loss and that they're keeping some of their seeds and soil on Isola. We'd hate there to be an ecological disaster on the island! Especially due to our addiction of their lovely and magical plants. Maybe they could start exporting herbal remedies too! I'd love to taste of couple of their stews!

Which brings up a point that's bothered me in the game! Why will a master doctor make a stew that she knows will make the villagers sick? I find it very useful to use in "mastering" the docs, but I'm upset thatthey go ahead and make it and let others eat it! (just one of my nitpickings -- but I love thegames and look forward to future ones. I think you do an outstanding job with all of them. It's a rare treat in the game world to come across such well done ones!)
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