Bug Collector Update

the Bug Collector is looking for beta-testers to root out the bugs (groan \:\) ).

What Does It Do?
  • Has a list of all insects. If the insect requires a special flower or foliage to appear, that is shown in parenthesis after the name of the insect.
  • Knows which insects you have and which insects you need. In the list of insects, there is a checkmark next to those insects you already have in your jars on your insect collection page.
  • When a new insect appears on the screen, the utility lists it.
  • Depending on your alarm settings, if this is an insect you have never caught before, the alarm will go off. The alarm is both a visual box that blinks from red to green, and an audible alarm which can be muted.
  • Alarm can be set to notify you of just the bugs you need; rare and uncommon bugs that are worth $; or all bugs.
  • Utility lists all the bugs that have been seen since the program was started, and their percentages.
Instructions for Use:

In the constant gardener, if you have not done so already, Find Pots from the tools menu. Once the pots have been found, choose monitor bugs from the tools menu. This will open the Bug Collector utility.

In the bug collector, choose find bug offset from the Options menu. I may just have to rename that to Tools menu to be consistent with the bug collector.

Wait for any insect to appear in Plant Tycoon and then press Start.

For as long as an insect is still on the screen, keep clicking whichever of the 4 bottom buttons corresponds to that insect. For example, if a dragonfly appears, keep clicking the Dragonfly button until the dragonfly flies away. After about 3 or 4 insects, the offset should be found and the window will close. This process only needs to be done once when you get the program, and again if ever the bug collector is not reporting when bugs appear on your screen.

The alarm is sounding because an uncommon Pale Moth appeared and the alarm is set to sound for All Bugs.

You can change the alarm settings from All Bugs to Uncommon/Rare Bugs to Just Bugs I Need by clicking the button above that currently says Bugs I Need. You can mute the alarm by clicking the mute checkbox.

You can also change the alarm settings by right clicking the green(/red) alarm box.

If you have a big screen, you can resize the window to see more of the list boxes by clicking (and holding the mouse button down) on the lower right corner (where it says "resizable"), and dragging it up or down.

If anyone is interested in beta-testing, please leave a reply in this thread. \:\)


PS Everyone asks about the "What is Planted" field. That is for the user to type in what they have planted in case they wanted to take a screen shot of the bugs and the percentages. This was useful as a reminder when trying to figure out what foliage or flowers attracted certain insects.