Dear Plant Tycoon Players,

I have started a Insect Chart of what I believe the bugs come out too. Even though I have started again, (last game I had only 4 to catch). I will place what I have started here for you to look at. If you have any replies please PM me, as I wish to keep this area for the chart. (Plus I don't know if I can do that.) If I can not do this will either LadyCFII or someone with the power take this down, and I will send them the chart.

Also if you know what insect comes out to a special type of foliage or flower that I have not got please PM me so that I may add it. I will give you the credit for your help.


P.S. As I find more I will be adding them, either one by one or a group.

Edited by Deathwing (10/12/07 11:57 AM)

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