i just d/l the plant tycoon breeder excel file and entered all the plants i have. when i click on a yellow block for the plant i would like to make i don't understand how to read the formula, for example the fourpetal maple, it gives you this formula:

[[[[jalapa pipe cactus] x [venomous fern]] x [venomous fern]] x [[jalapa pipe cactus] x [[jalapa pipe cactus] x [[venomous fern] x [[venomous fern] x [jalapa lemonbush]]]]]] x [[[[jalapa pipe cactus] x [[venomous fern] x [[venomous fern] x [jalapa lemonbush]]]] x [venomous fern]] x [jalapa pipe cactus]]

but i don't understand how to read this... can somebody explain to me how to understand these formulas? thanks so much!!!

Edited by LadyCFII (10/17/07 09:13 PM)