The SPVC is the Society for the Perpetuation of Villager Cruelty.

Originally Posted By: The Dictionary
perpetuate (pr-pch-t)
tr.v. perpetuated, perpetuating, perpetuates
1. To cause to continue indefinitely; make perpetual.
2. To prolong the existence of; cause to be remembered

The Chairman is Lurkily.
The co-Chairperson is Lady Ronin.
His vice-chairperson is Airstream Raider.
Other members of the board of chairpersons will be added as they have the inclination to join.

The SPVC is based on this declaration:

The Guiding Hand's Bill of Rights

Now, therefore the players of the SPVC proclaim this universal bill of the rights of the Guiding Hand as a common standard for all villagers and all villages, to the end that every villager, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by any means necessary to promote respect for these rights and to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the villagers of Member Villages themselves and among the villagers of territories under their jurisdiction.

Article 1:
All villagers are born only with the dignity and rights granted them by the Guiding Hand. The Guiding Hand is endowed with reason and conscience and should act to accomplish its goals as it sees fit, regardless of acute discomfort inflicted upon villagers.

Article 2:
Punishment shall be dispensed only as the Guiding Hand sees fit, in the pursuit of increased productivity or that of punishing the lazy and infirm for their poor performance.

Article 3:
(1) The Guiding Hand has the right to set the standard of living for any tribe and villager, without regard to adequacy for the health and well-being of the villagers, or the number of villagers crammed into each hut.

(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to no special care or assistance. The Guiding Hand shall decide if any such assistance is necessary. Such assistance is more likely to be granted if you moms would finish nursing and get back to sweating.

Article 4:
All Member Tribes shall do everything in their power to accomplish their goals, regardless of such frivolities such as peace, health, and long life. You can eat later. You can sleep later, too. Nobody said love was unconditional.

Those who feel the same way must show it. The SPVC requires nothing to join. All that is asked is that, if you agree, post "SPVC Member" in your signature, or "SPVC Headquarters" (Or some variation thereof) to 'location' in your profile to show that you are against needless pampering of Villagers. By adding that to your profile, you agree to the following:

"I, with the Isola gods as my witnesses, regardless of how I may have pampered virtual villagers in the past, agree to not permit misguided feelings for villagers to hinder my goals further in any way. Having "SPVC Member" in my signature shows that I agree to these terms whole-heartedly and wish to show it to all."

The form:

Hum. Well, I had a form. Forms are overrated. Vows doubly so. Just say you agree while clicking the heels of your ruby slippers together three times. I'll take your word for it.

Please keep in mind that this is intended as a joke. I honestly don't care if you're offended by my callous treatment of two-dimensional pixels rendered for entertainment value, but my purpose here, in this parody of the SPCV, is to squeeze a chuckle out of you.

And, maybe, convince Lady CFII that salt mines, lion pits, and whips are needed to coax the villagers to work harder, in VV4. Or to get rid of the undesirables.

Articles based on the Universal Bill of Rights. As I'm parodying the SPCV, I decided to use, mostly, the same selections they did.

Edited by Gamemastr1 (07/03/08 11:07 PM)