A few people have asked me about my "chef" avatar and whether or not she is supposed to look like me. She is made to "resemble me" with just a basic recolor of a VF head. Two asked for a pic. I don't usually do "introductions" because I prefer to get to know everyone through their posts and let them get to know me the same way, but I decided what the heck. I may as well introduce myself here. smile

I live in Louisiana, USA, have been here all my life, and don't plan on leaving any time soon. I have been happily married for 20 years and have two children, a son (19) and a daughter (17.) Both of my kids have played sports pretty much all their lives and have kept us very busy with ball games. I am a registered nurse, but have been unable to do clinical work for a few years due to several health problems. I absolutely love to cook and have been having a blast creating meals for our Virtual Families. I also love to fish, ride ATVs, go tubing and I love a nice spa pedicure. smile I'm also a chronic gamer. I absolutely hate to have my picture made and hide from cameras whenever possible. This pic is a few years old, but is the best I can do.

I was sitting beside Mom on the couch after a long day at work (sorry for cutting you out, Mom. heh) My hair is lighter now because I finally gave in and let my beautician cousin highlight it for me, and I have bangs.

I admire the LDW team for their work and can't wait to see what they develop in the future. This forum community is awesome and just makes the whole gaming experience that much more addictive. I'm happy to be a part of it and to call many of you my "friends!"