I just bought this game a few days ago and I have just a few questions. I am afraid to search online since I do not want to find out information that does not need to be known just yet.

1. What do you do with dead villagers? Can you bury them? I just had my second one die \:\( He was very old in his 50s. I feel bad and want to do something. I named him after my cat!

2. After you make the school and beat on the drum, do the kids actually learn anything? Are you supposed to do anything else? I sometimes place an adult at the school but they go back to doing what they were doing.

3. Also if I decide to switch to another computer, can I bring that village with me, or will I have to start all over?

Thanks, wow this reminds me so much when I was in the Peace Corps.



Edited by mrkenn (05/29/07 02:15 PM)
If we knew 15 percent of what was really going on, we would be appalled.