Today, my mausoleum reached its maximum capacity of 500 villagers. Whenever a villager is buried, the earliest deceased villager disappears forever. The limited number of reincarnations only makes this problem worse. I will be very sad once my favorite villagers are gone for good. frown

It would be a great idea to add the following features to resolve this issue:
1. Increase the mausoleum capacity
2. Infinite reincarnations post-game. After completing all puzzles, the game becomes equally easy regardless of how many skilled villagers you have, so the reincarnation limit becomes totally unnecessary.
3. An option to preserve deceased villagers indefinitely, so they will not be removed even after the mausoleum reaches maximum capacity.

Additonally, please fix the pause button asap. I have had to tend to my villagers daily since I first played VVO2 4 months ago. I finally want to be able to leave the game alone indefinitely without having to worry about it.