Hi all, I guess I'll start with the basics. I'm female, 42, and I've lived in Pennsylvania all my life. I have no children except for the ones with fur or fins. I have a lot of those. My name is because I was born in November and I enjoy watching storms. Autumn storms usually have some of the most interesting lightning.

I found the LDW games via Big Fish. I had purchased all of the VV's and VF's and intermittently played all but VV4 and VV5 before my previous laptop died. I recently acquired a new laptop and set about reloading games. Had a few issues with some BF copies so found LDW and re-bought the VF games directly from the source. I've got 5 families up and running on each already. I think all of my original peeps have crossed the 45 threshold so far. One is closing on 60.

QUESTION: Does anyone know of any significant differences between any of the VV games here and the versions from Big Fish? Thanks!

One more question: I've been going through the VF forums and almost all of the Links that are supposed to go to other threads take me to the same incorrect forum page.? Why? What happened to the links?

Edited by November Storm (09/13/18 05:04 AM)
Today's bit of wisdom: You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try.