Choosing a mate

Posted by: candypanda57

Choosing a mate - 12/17/20 09:54 PM

when we start a new generation, we have the option to view each child from the previous generation before making a final choice.
It is helpful so that we can see what each child's job is, what their pay is, if they want kids and so on.
We need to have that option when choosing a mate for the kid we choose to begin the next generation. Say we get 4 prospective mates, we look at the first one or two, maybe we aren't sure about them. Then we look at the last two and decide we don't like them. We can't go back to the first or second one we looked at. Now that we have gone through all of the choices we have to wait until the next email from Cinder, fill out the form and try again. I had to wait 2 hours one time to get the second email.
Hopefully this can be changed. If not I will deal with it as I really love the game.