How many can eat

Posted by: Queen.Julian

How many can eat - 12/06/20 05:25 PM

Is there a way to have more than the amount of kids that fit at the table eat at the same time? I know you can have a picnic but that table only has a few seats too
Posted by: MissKathyAdministrator

Re: How many can eat - 12/11/20 03:22 AM

Hello Queen.Julian! In the Dining Room section of the Store/Furniture there is a Rectangular Table that seats 6 and an Oval Dining Table that seats 8. You can mix and match these tables with each other (or with the built-in kitchen table) and have plenty of seating. Simply drop a peep 14 or older at the table, they'll prepare a meal and take it to that table. Drop another peep at a different table, and they'll prepare a meal and take it to that table. If peeps get up from the first table to sit at the second table, once the table is full, feel free to pick up and drop any peep and place them at the table you want them at. Happy feeding! smile