Red crab

Posted by: crosstitcher

Red crab - 08/11/20 02:46 PM

Hey Guys and Gals,
GBU all 2.
I'm justing "wondering" if there is a "specific area" where the red crab is, to get the 2 kids and 1 adult, (master gather), to "catch it"?
Every time I "try" to get my "peeps" to get it, there's "always" mosquitoes in the way. The kids seem "not to be interested" in it at all.
In VV 4, whenever you put the kids around "their crab", they would go back and forth and the adult would catch it. Not in this one.
I "thought" when this one came up in the game, it was "suppose" to be a "pet". The peeps in this game act like they don't want to do "anything" with the "critters".
How am I to get the crab to "clean" the mossy rock, when there is "no interaction" with the crab?
GBU and yours.