squirrel berries, squirrel seed, vines and more

Posted by: crosstitcher

squirrel berries, squirrel seed, vines and more - 07/26/20 01:08 PM

Hey Keagean,
I "went back" to the game. Just "can't leave" my tribe in "limbo".
This one is "different" from my "bought game".
1. I have squirrel berries and seeds, but can't find the squirrel.
2. When "collecting" resources, I was only able to "collect" 1 time each, squirrel seeds, berries and 2 vines and made 1 rope. There is 1 vine "solid green and "ripe" for picking, by the "clothing hut", but can't pick it, the other 3 are a "pale green".
3. How "long" do I have to "wait to recollect" seed, berries and vines?
4. How do I "craft" squirrel seeds and berries?
5. I got a "free something" when my 24 hrs. was up. Do I get any more?
6. "Forgot" the reason for the red crab. Not in my "notes" that I made for the game.
GBU and yours.
Posted by: KeeganAdministrator

Re: squirrel berries, squirrel seed, vines and more - 07/27/20 07:29 PM

Hi! We're happy to hear you're back in the game!

If you could please contact us through your game, this will allow us to investigate your questions in depth and provide accurate responses to each.

From your game, just click on the 'gear' icon and then 'Help' - this will open your default email application on your device, which will auto-fill the email with your game's support information. Once you've added your questions, just send the email to us!
Posted by: crosstitcher

Re: squirrel berries, squirrel seed, vines and more - 09/17/20 01:08 PM

Hey Guys and Gals,
GBU all 2.
"Still waiting" to make the squirrel food. Poor guy/gal, must be "starving". So "again" how /how long do/does it take to make the squirrle food.
GBU and yours.
Posted by: MissKathyAdministrator

Re: squirrel berries, squirrel seed, vines and more - 09/22/20 05:00 AM

Hi crosstitcher! It takes 4 hours to craft the squirrel food (without any speed ups). smile You can’t give the squirrels the seeds or berries, only the crafted squirrel food.