stones to make metal

Posted by: Bluebird

stones to make metal - 08/02/19 08:08 PM

Hi Everyone,

I am flummoxed. I need to make metal to solve the pedestal puzzle. I know the recipe requires stone. My problem is that I don't know how to get the stone to show up so I can add it to the basket. I've made plenty of stone. The first two stones I made showed up when I placed villagers on the hut, and the villagers took the stones to the pedestals, but now I can't get the rest of the stone to show up when I open the hut or when I place a villager on the hut. Any suggestions? I've also made the Mixed Herbs to make mini eggs, but they don't show up either. My Crafting level is 1. Could that be my problem? Do I need to raise that in order to get access to my crafted goods?

I appreciate any advice or help you can give!

Posted by: Bluebird

Re: stones to make metal - 08/04/19 01:55 PM

Just FYI, I figured it out this morning. I never noticed the circles with the green highlight at the bottom of the window and I thought when I got to the locked pictures of the first set of ingredients that that was all there was in the hut. Finally, I can make metal, dough, mini eggs, all that good stuff! I was ready to uninstall. smile

Posted by: MissKathyAdministrator

Re: stones to make metal - 08/05/19 07:06 PM

I'm so glad that you were able to figure it out Bluebird! Thank you for the update. Happy crafting! smile