PC Crashes

Posted by: poseidon1947

PC Crashes - 05/07/18 06:29 AM

Dear LDW,

Whenever my PC crashes while playing Fish Tycoon 2 and has to be restarted and when it crashes I am playing Fish Tycoon 2 I cannot continue where I was prior to the crash.

Why can we not simply have a 'Save Game' and 'Load Game' feature in the same way as most other games have?

I have been playing Fish Tycoon 2 for several days and have advanced quite well but my PC crashed and once restarted I had to start Fish Tycoon 2 afresh because I received a message saying the 'Save' had been corrupted.
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: PC Crashes - 05/07/18 07:22 PM

Hey, Poseidon!

We're going to need some additional information about your situation, so I'd like to have you send in a support. Open the game (if you can) and click on the gear icon in the middle bottom of the screen, and click on support to send in the information we need. Just mention on the email (without removing anything) that you are Poseidon from the forums! smile