New to FT2 with a few questions!

Posted by: Tessie Lynn

New to FT2 with a few questions! - 10/28/17 01:30 PM

Hello all ~
I've started playing FT2, just found it a few days ago. smile Happy to see it here. I'm not seeing a lot of postings on this though. I'm interested to know how many are playing it?
One of my biggest initial questions is of course about the Magic fish and the breeding.
I've not seen a list of the Magic Fish for FT2. Is there one?
Also, I'm looking to see if there is a (hopefully short) list of fish you DON'T want to sell if you happen to get them. Not Magic Fish of course, but those fish that help with breeding others that are hard to get, or might only come in eggs.
For example, the first fish I've tried to complete is the Fatfish. I sold the silky that I got with eggs in the beginning (not knowing) and the only way to breed it is with three other fish that are all related. Like these four fin types are circularly related (Silky, Imperial, peachy and hooked) I can't get any of those four in eggs and don't even know if they are rare, uncommon or common.
Thanks! Tessie
Posted by: LisaRae

Re: New to FT2 with a few questions! - 03/09/19 03:49 AM

Daresay you've figured it out, but hey, maybe someone else will want to know (I've got PC though).

They cannot be bred, except as you say, with themselves. (Silky breeds, but requires one parent to be a silky... which defeats the purpose!)

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Uncommon and Rare Fish do NOT seem to hatch naturally with these fins, you will need to crossbreed genuses to get those.

There are a couple of other species that are difficult to obtain as well. This is more complicated; several of them will pop up in RARE fish, so
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you can reverse engineer your crossbreeding for genuses
the others only have a couple of crossing choices.
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The main few are: Bluetip, Greenfin, Hooked, and Peachy. Bluetips are REALLY useful. Basically these four CAN be difficult to get - keep a greenfin and a peachy to go with silky and spined to get bluetip and hooked (there are a couple of other combos to get those, but that's easiest EXCEPT with one of the magic fish).

I've got a complete spreadsheet but I don't know how to share it.

Can't remember the genuses offhand, but I don't think they're as difficult, just keep going...