My Family Falls through Second Bathroom

Posted by: LavynderSylk

My Family Falls through Second Bathroom - 01/29/14 02:52 AM

I am using Virtual Families 2 on Android and for some reason if I put my family to the sink they fall through to the small central room. Then if I put them onto the shower it's like they get stuck in one place. They will use the bathroom if someone else in is the first bathroom but if I drop them in there it works 1% of the time. Dropping them in on the sink makes them interact with it but not before falling through the floor, or screen, or game floor...

Thanks in advance
Posted by: MissKathyAdministrator

Re: My Family Falls through Second Bathroom - 01/29/14 06:36 AM

Hello LavynderSylk. It sounds like you've found a "hidden" trap door in the north bathroom. If you drop your little person closer to the middle of the sink (or to the right of the sink), they will not end up in the small central room. smile When your little person appears to be stuck on the shower, does their "action line" seem to cycle through different actions/tasks without actually going anywhere? If so, and you have any decor items near where you're dropping them, they may be getting caught between the item and the shower. Try moving the item and place your little person at the shower again.

Many families seem to prefer one bathroom over the other. This is normal. I've also had peeps who would not go into the toilet area when I dropped them there. They would only go on their own when their action said "Nature is calling." They certainly have minds of their own! grin I hope this helps!