
Posted by: SparkleGeekGirl

Question? - 08/24/13 01:38 AM

I've been trying to keep my food levels balanced and above 1000 units for all my families, and I'm curious about something.

How many units of food for, say the 40 coins you pay for the fruits and veggies? Is it a set amount of units per, say 20 coins paid? Over all... how are the prices set throughout the store?

Also, how many units of food are going to be used in a day? I would imagine it'd vary by family size, but by how much?

Thanks! smile
Posted by: MissKathyAdministrator

Re: Question? - 08/25/13 03:03 AM

All of the regular groceries have 150 units of food per bag no matter the food group. All of the organic groceries have 250 units of food per bag no matter the food group. Yes, larger families do consume more food. You can experiment to find out how much food your particular little families eat per day (meals and snacks). smile