Energy and food levels

Posted by: dwellen

Energy and food levels - 04/22/13 10:34 PM

Noticed that the families when trying ton have the 6th kid that they are always exhausted. The energy levels return to normal then as soon as they try to have another kid their energy level drops all the way down to exhausted and won't try.
Seeing a similar situation with the fed level, the person eats and if full, 5 mins later they are hungry again smile
Much improved over the older game, thanks.
Posted by: GirlOnFire26

Re: Energy and food levels - 05/01/13 04:55 PM

I am having the exact same problem with having the 6th baby. I'm on my 2nd generation and they have 5 kids (1 that's adopted) but I keep putting them together when it says they're 'elated' and they argue over and over. Then they're both 'exhausted'. They're fed and everything so it's not that. After they sleep for a little bit their 'elated' again but still won't have a baby without getting exhausted after just a few tries. =(

The only reason I didn't have this problem in the 1st generation is because the 6th baby was a random adoption. So now I'm hoping that they'll get another random knock at the door. Lol!
Posted by: arnie

Re: Energy and food levels - 05/01/13 06:16 PM

I've been pleasantly surprised that I've not had any trouble getting my peeps to produce six babies in each of the the three generations I've played so far. Admittedly, one couple had twins, but all the others were singletons. No need (again, so far!) for Baby Boost, either. A few times I've thought to myself that they probably wouldn't produce because one or both peeps were tired, but they've still managed it! It has to be said that the mother generally shows as "Tired" after the birth, but that is hardly surprising, all things considered. wink

Posted by: GirlOnFire26

Re: Energy and food levels - 05/02/13 09:24 AM

Well I have given up on having a 6th baby for my 2nd generation. Unless a child comes knocking at the door. I never turn them away. smile

Instead I'm making them stay hard at work earning and saving money. Hopefully the next generation will be willing and able to have 6 kids.
Posted by: ajuma

Re: Energy and food levels - 05/02/13 02:26 PM

I've only managed to have 1 out of my 3 families have 6 kids. The 4th family is "one child only" by choice, unless an adoptee comes to the door. 2 seems to be the norm for my peeps. I have 2 couples right now who only argue. By the time they try for a baby and make it to the bed, the woman is already half way to the door...and THAT'S with a shot of Baby Boost!
Posted by: Corylea

Re: Energy and food levels - 05/02/13 05:07 PM

One kid sounds potentially dangerous to me, since that kid could grow up to be "Definitely Not" on wanting kids. I guess you could adopt, in that case, but I know that wouldn't provide the same continuity for some folks...
Posted by: ajuma

Re: Energy and food levels - 05/03/13 04:59 AM

I know it sounds strange, but in VF1, the "Definitely Not" folks seemed to be MORE likely to have kids the first time they tried than the "Definitely" ones did...and I think it's the same in this game. I just had a "Maybe" and a "Definitely Not" get pregnant the first time.