Stretched screen after update

Posted by: LunyKimberly

Stretched screen after update - 03/13/15 06:44 PM

Finally got an iPhone (6 plus) last month and downloaded VF2 for it. Looked great, worked great, got a few in app purchases for it - everything's been working great.

Loaded the update for it today that installed the free coins ability and other odds and ends bug fixes. Now my game screen and peeps look like it's a full screen image stretched to a wide screen monitor - shorter, fatter, and harder to read text. I've also noticed that my tray (for groceries/snacks/items) has shrunk a slot. Is this deliberate or did someone have an oops moment with the update?

And if all of this is deliberate, is there some setting I can change to get things back to the way they were (at least the screen res)?

Thanks for all the work you peeps do on these games.
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: Stretched screen after update - 03/16/15 07:34 PM

This wasn't deliberate, and we're looking into it. Unfortunately, there are no settings that you can change that would correct the issue. Changing the settings on your iPhone 6 Plus from standard to zoomed (or vice versa) has no effect on how the game is displayed.

I'll post back here when we have an update.
Posted by: LunyKimberly

Re: Stretched screen after update - 03/18/15 02:00 PM

Thanks for letting me know.
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: Stretched screen after update - 03/19/15 06:13 PM

I'll be submitting an update to Apple today that corrects the problem. Apple typically takes 10 days or so to approve app updates and make them available on the App Store. When you install the update, you'll once again have the correct display resolution, and the tool tray will have the right number of slots again. We're very sorry for the problems on the last update.