Food Club

Posted by: CerPer

Food Club - 03/22/13 06:46 PM

Hi! I've had the food club for 9 generations and the food club button on the purchase screen says you have food club but my family are worried about food and when I click the fridge it's empty! Please help! I've bought them some food but the idea of food club was not to have to do this?
Posted by: MissKathyAdministrator

Re: Food Club - 03/22/13 08:16 PM

Hi CerPer. Food Club provides 500 units of food every 24 hours or so. It's description says: Food Club - 2 bags of groceries containing all 4 food groups are delivered to your family each day to help prevent accidental starvation. Plus your family gets a permanent 50% discount on food!"

Apparently your little family ate all the food (or you had an event that affected the food supply). You should buy them some food and feed them asap, since they're worried. Their health may be declining. You may want to sit them down twice if their "Fed Bar" is not at least 3/4 full. The good news is that since you have Food Club all of the groceries are 1/2 price. laugh