How do I train my villagers in devotion? No heathens left!

Posted by: MarieD

How do I train my villagers in devotion? No heathens left! - 01/09/11 09:03 AM

I know how to train all of the rest of them, fishing, research, etc., but I can't get them to train in devotion. So I've been using youth on the ones that have it already, and hoping when they start making babies that their babies will inherit some of their devotion skill. This is driving me nuts. In the strategy guide all I found was that villagers gain devotion skill from trying to convert blue masks. There are no blue masks, yellow or red masks left! Anybody know what to do?
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: How do I train my villagers in devotion? No heathens left! - 01/09/11 09:25 AM

Have you tried putting someone skilled in Devotion
Click to reveal..
in charge of teaching the children?

Posted by: MarieD

Re: How do I train my villagers in devotion? No heathens left! - 01/09/11 09:36 AM

Ooh! Good idea! My population is maxed and I keep making children by youthing the elders who have mastered devotion already so .... I'll have to get a kid the old fashioned way and try it-thank you for the tip!

I'm trying it and so far I'm not seeing any success. What I really want is to be able to train an adult in devotion. Is that possible without any heathens left?
Posted by: Candy_63

Re: How do I train my villagers in devotion? No heathens left! - 01/09/11 04:26 PM

That worked in my game:

Click to reveal..
If you have a villager with devotion skill (the more the better), set the skill of this villager on "Devotion" and put him/her to the statue - he/she will polish the statue and gain building skill, but sometimes he/she will honor the statue and will gain devotion skill. I've got two masters in this way smile

Posted by: MarieD

Re: How do I train my villagers in devotion? No heathens left! - 01/09/11 06:37 PM

I'll try that-thank you!
Posted by: sidbakay

Re: How do I train my villagers in devotion? No heathens left! - 01/09/11 09:29 PM

I have tried that and it doesn't seem to work for me.

Click to reveal..
I have tried a master devotee and my former chief in the nursery school and the children never gain any devotion. I have done it at least 20 times. I have also tried 'telling a story' and that doesn't do anything either.

Am I missing something?

Edited to add I tried what Xay suggested. Thought I had quoted her post.
Posted by: stonzee

Re: How do I train my villagers in devotion? No heathens! - 01/11/11 08:50 PM

How can you get a master devotee if there are no more heathens to convert?
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: How do I train my villagers in devotion? No heathens! - 01/11/11 09:59 PM

Check out the spoilers earlier in this thread - they tell you how.
Posted by: Ellen2132

Re: How do I train my villagers in devotion? No heathens! - 01/17/11 11:00 PM

Tried it, doesn't work, at least not in my tribes.
Have a master in devotion teaching the children, but they do not get devotion-skill, not even a little bit, and not even after several tries.
Besides, the children leave the nursing school after a couple of seconds, they don't stay there.
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: How do I train my villagers in devotion? No heathens! - 01/17/11 11:52 PM

There's another thread that has some additional comments that you might find helpful.
Posted by: Discordia33

Re: How do I train my villagers in devotion? No heathens left! - 12/11/18 06:55 PM

100% CERTAIN answer:

Talking to heathens will gain early devotion skill, once all heathens are converted any villager with some devotion skill might increase by dropping them next to the statue repeatedly and "honoring". Their likelihood to do so will depend on how much devotion skill they have.

If they do "nothing" next to the statue, leave them alone... they may decide to honor in a few minutes. I'm not sure if "praising" or "honoring the dead" helps but I always let them do it.

Breeding devoted individuals should produce a child with a tiny head start on devotion. As soon as they are born check devotion as the preferred skill.

Breeding two masters of all trades will increase the likelihood of a higher devotion start and give ALL skills a small head start. In some cases they can be born as an "apprentice devotee". As soon as they are born check devotion as the preferred skill.

In my experience if they are born with NO devotion skill they will never get any. You'll have to try with another child.

Have an elder (preferably the retired chief or another master of all skills) teach at the nursery school over and over. Any skills they are born with will increase during nursery school. KEEP the retired chief in your village by using the youth divine power over and over again.

Once the child is of age (14) drop it next to the statue repeatedly (this can take 50 times or more before they honor it). If they still simply will not, don't be discouraged. I have given up on several and come back to find they somehow maxed it while I was gone.

If none of the above has worked by the time they are 50 as long as they have a TINY bit on the devotion bar you can use the young again divine power. Each time they go through a childhood full of nursery school they will improve any skills they have and eventually become cooperative as they come of age. You can do this as many times as needed.