Has this happened to anyone before???

Posted by: familygirl228

Has this happened to anyone before??? - 09/11/11 08:42 PM

Okay so I have this family. There's the mother, Carette, the father, Cyber, and their eight year old, Oslo. About an hour or so ago, I tried for another baby. I was so happy to see they had triplets. I'm pretty sure I've only had triplets about twice on this app so I was super pschyed. Then I looked at the family screen to see if they were boys or girls. All three are boys who look exactly the same as their brother. One of them even has the exact same name as the oldest one, Oslo. Once they get older, I'm going to be so confused. I already started buying different outfits. Has something like this ever happened to anyone else before?
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: Has this happened to anyone before??? - 09/11/11 10:29 PM

Many times before! smile You can read more about this happening here.
Posted by: familygirl228

Re: Has this happened to anyone before??? - 09/12/11 12:31 AM

Thanks. I'll look at it now.
Posted by: arnie

Re: Has this happened to anyone before??? - 09/12/11 11:06 AM

It also happens in the later Virtual Villagers games. In one game I had two brothers who were identical (including clothes) apart from age and then their mother had triplets - identical to the two brothers. They looked more like quintuplets at first until the older two grew a little. Once the five were fully grown up they again looked identical.
Posted by: familygirl228

Re: Has this happened to anyone before??? - 09/25/11 09:06 PM

Did they have the same name? I think that's what confused me the most. I just change their outfits when they look identical.
Posted by: MissKathyAdministrator

Re: Has this happened to anyone before??? - 09/26/11 11:49 PM

I have 2 sisters right now with the same name, Soonola. They are not identical though, probably because there were many options of possible "heads" between the parents on the head chart.
Posted by: Virtual Livin'

Re: Has this happened to anyone before??? - 02/09/12 12:46 AM

That hasn't happened to me. Very strange!