Length of a year in Virtual Families time

Posted by: Haunt

Length of a year in Virtual Families time - 06/11/10 03:05 AM


I just started playing VF a couple of days ago, and I'm really enjoying it! However I do have a question:

How long does (or should) it take for a year to pass in the game? I've heard rumors that it's two hours our time, but that can't be correct in my case. I've been playing since Monday, and my family starter, Purple, has only aged from 24 to 46--22 years in three days. If it was two hours per year, she should be at least 59, if not older.

I don't pause the game when I close it, and a minimal amount of time has passed whenever I open the file in the morning, so it isn't as if they're pausing themselves when I quit. In fact, I haven't paused the game at all, nor have I changed the clock to speed time up, so that's not at issue, either. The years seem to be passing at a faster rate now, but for the first couple of days, it seemed like they all aged maybe three years every 24 hours--making a year last 8 hours. When I clocked it today, the rate seemed to amount to one year every three hours.

Is two the correct number, and my game is somehow glitched? Is this a common problem with the iPod version, wherein they age slower at first but then settle into their normal rate? Is there something I can do to fix it?
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: Length of a year in Virtual Families time - 06/11/10 06:55 AM

Two isn't the correct number. It's approximately a bit over 3 hours (real time) per VF year. Your game is fine smile
Posted by: VV3 girl123

Re: Length of a year in Virtual Families time - 07/21/13 10:30 PM

um, exuse me if this is kinda off topic, but speaking of times, how long does it take for the mom to stop nursing? In Vf, and VF2
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: Length of a year in Virtual Families time - 07/22/13 05:13 AM

VV3 girl123, Section B Question 8 in this post will answer your question. smile