Good and bad actions

Posted by: Master

Good and bad actions - 08/09/09 03:07 PM

I would like to make a summary of good and bad actions and I will start with some actions. It would be nice to hear (or read ;)) your experiences.

Good for energy: Reading a magazine, Using the "Hammock" (in some cases), Taking a nap, Go to bed.

Bad for energy: Playing video games.

I use the red glove because I think Playing video games is only good for happiness and happiness is not exactly the problem of my peeps. wink

Good for health: Using the treadmill. Perhaps the hammock? (I do not know exactly).

Perhaps it is possible to make a spoiler out of this. Of course fruits are good for health and a disease is bad for health but everyone knows this. smile
Posted by: Lyssaria

Re: Good and bad actions - 08/09/09 06:44 PM

Playing in the dirt - May lead to "Not Feeling Fresh" status
Picking up wrappers, socks & weeds - May lead to "Not Feeling Fresh" status
Exercising - May lead to "Not Feeling Fresh" status

I'm not 100% sure on this one, but I noticed that when my peeps are arguing they seem to get the "Not Feeling Fresh" status as well.

Sitting down to a meal - Good for hunger
Celebrating marriage - Good for happiness

Good topic Master! It should be interesting to see what we can learn from this grin
Posted by: vfmacfan

Re: Good and bad actions - 08/09/09 09:08 PM

I noticed that after you use the desensitization kit, the peeps always start studying at the desk. Don't know if this is good or bad for energy though. And after Baby Boost they sometimes start not feeling fresh.
Penicillin or vancomycin always leads to Exhausted.
Posted by: Master

Re: Good and bad actions - 08/13/09 02:25 PM

Of course warming hands and using the warm towel is good for health especially if the peeps have a bad health.

It is difficult to fill the health-indicator but I think it has to do with feed. When the peeps have a good feed-level (i. e. when you make them barbecuing to raise the level) then they try to improve the health-level too. It is quite rare that they want to improve their health-level when the feed-level is lower than the health level.
Posted by: Master

Re: Good and bad actions - 08/13/09 02:27 PM

Originally Posted By: Lyssaria
Playing in the dirt - May lead to "Not Feeling Fresh" status

Yes, definitely. But I love to make the children playing in the dirt because they have fun. laugh They have to take a shower when they are "Not Feeling Fresh" but I think this action is not bad for health (Perhaps bad for energy?).

Good topic Master! It should be interesting to see what we can learn from this grin

Learning by doing. grin

Posted by: Master

Re: Good and bad actions - 08/13/09 02:39 PM

Does anyone know if there is a sense in "Doing Laundry"? Perhaps it is good for health? Otherwise it would be senseless to initiate this action ...
Posted by: Master

Re: Good and bad actions - 08/13/09 02:40 PM

I think that "Taking An Insect Outside" is bad for energy.
Posted by: BayouBlonde

Re: Good and bad actions - 08/13/09 07:57 PM

I was asked to post the list of actions I call "cute but useless" on this thread. This is the second time I've been asked to contribute to this thread, so I hate to refuse. I have to say, because the bars on the detail screen do not provide numerical values, it is very difficult to determine if small changes in status are related to a particular action or if they are just the normal change over time *pokes Arthur*. Additionally, no bar is provided for hygiene. However, after playing several families over a period of time, you do notice certain consistencies. So, with that in mind, I will contribute what I can. I was going to link to some old threads with information I had posted related to hygiene and health, but most of the hygiene info has been summarized here.

I can't possibly remember the entire list of actions but I'll list what I can think of now and post more later, as I have time.

"Cute but useless" - (basically actions with no effect or so little effect that I consider them useless - this is personal opinion!! laugh )
Thinking about cooking (indicates hunger)
Looking for Laundry
Studying a recipe (indicates hunger)
Fixing the computers
Talking to the plants
Dealing with all the socks
Taking an insect outside
Calling the birds
Adjusting the painting
Admiring self
Bothering the fish
Organizing the closet

Actions affecting happiness -
(Player action) green glove - increase in happiness
(Player action) red glove - decrease in happiness
Celebrating a new baby - increase in happiness
Celebrating (job promotion, Adoption Day, etc.) - increase in happiness
Celebrating marriage (also with perfume / cologne) - increase in happiness
Celebrating house upgrade - increase in happiness
Barbecuing! - increase happiness with event, slight increase with normal action
Watching television - increase happiness with dvd, slight increase with normal action
Telling / Listening to a story - increase in happiness with book, slight increase with normal action
Mourning (death) - large decrease in happiness
Peeking at the groceries / Putting away the groceries - increase in happiness
(Status) A bit sick - decrease in happiness at onset of illness with slight decrease (along with health) as long as illness goes untreated
Working on career (when successful) - small increase in happiness
Playing in the Pool / Swimming in the pool / Splashing in the pool - slight increase in happiness
Feeding the birds / Feeding the fish - slight increase in happiness
Enjoying the sounds of nature - slight increase in happiness
Watching television - slight increase in happiness
Reading a magazine / newspaper - slight increase in happiness

Actions affecting hygiene -
Playing in the dirt - decrease hygiene
Trying to make a baby - decrease fed, hygiene, energy
Arguing - slight decrease in fed and energy, small decrease in hygiene
Player initiated cleaning actions (weeds, wrappers, socks, cobwebs, trash) - small decrease in hygiene
Any outdoor activity while raining - small decrease in hygiene
Any exercise activity (Working out, Quick workout, Walking on the treadmill, Exercising outdoors, Practicing Tai Chi, Practicing Kung Fu, etc.) - slight decrease in hygiene
Sink actions (Brushing teeth, Flossing, Brushing hair, Putting on cream, Putting on aftershave, Putting on antiperspirant, etc.) - slight increase in hygiene
Squeezing a pimple - slight decrease in hygiene
Taking a shower - large increase in hygiene

Actions affecting energy -

Working on career - decrease in energy
Trying to make a baby - decrease fed, hygiene, energy
Arguing - slight decrease in fed and energy, small decrease in hygiene
Any exercise activity (Working out, Quick workout, Walking on the treadmill, see above) slight decrease in energy, slight boost to endurance (see below)
Walking / Running on the treadmill - boosts endurance (fed and energy levels decrease more slowly over time)
Taking a nap - increase in energy
Going to bed - small increase in energy (with game active)
Daydreaming - slight increase in energy
Reading a magazine / newspaper - slight increase in energy
Relaxing in the hammock - slight increase in energy
Enjoying the sounds of nature - slight increase in energy

Actions affecting health -
Walking / Running on the treadmill - slight increase in health, increase in longevity, increase in endurance (see above)
Any outdoor action while raining - increase chance of illness
Any exercise activity (see above) - basically a less effective version of the treadmill
Sitting down to a meal - small increase in health, large increase in fed, increase in health over time
Bathroom heater activities - (Warming hands, Using the warm towel, Drying hair, etc.) - slight increase in health
Checking weight - slight increase in health
Enjoying the sounds of nature - slight increase in health

There is an entire group of actions related to household cleanliness that I also consider useless, but I have never checked those to see if they have any effect on the peeps status bars, so I didn't include them. (Doing laundry, Vacuuming the living room, Making the bed, Cleaning the nightstand, etc.)

I'm sure when I check on my families tonight, some others will come up. I'll try to remember to list them.

Posted by: *Moonlyght*

Re: Good and bad actions - 08/15/09 11:49 PM

Thanks so much BB!!!

I always had some questions about what some actions would mean and there you go - all answered by you Bayou. wink

Thanks again! *clapping*
Posted by: Master

Re: Good and bad actions - 09/04/09 05:19 PM

Thank you for this excellent summary!

Perhaps I have two more actions:

1. Using Sunscreen (from the shop): increases Happiness
2. Watching Rain: increases energy

I do not know if this always happens but I watched that sometimes ...
Posted by: Y0k0

Re: Good and bad actions - 09/25/09 04:21 AM

When my people can't restore their energy by sleeping i just pick them up and drop them until the action line says " reading newspaper" or "reading magazine" or "taking a nap" if theyre really tired.