New user

Posted by: sherri06

New user - 01/14/05 04:45 PM

Hi everyone, I just purchased Plant Tycoon a few days ago. I love it! But i cant seem to get the hang of it.I can never seem to make enough $ and cross-bred plants get unhealthy so quickly. By the time I buy the things I need I'm broke!

Can someone help me with strategy here?

Thanks a bunch!
Posted by: GWD

Re: New user - 01/14/05 06:45 PM

I dont know if this will help but what I did was plant your seeds and remember which seeds do good in the begining and what seeds dont do good,The cross bred plants are tricky and dont do so well in nornmal soil, I would use the radioactive plant food to save some plants at the last minute, Harvest the seeds for later, Then just plant the ones that grow in the normal soil.Get the seeds replant again ect,ect,ect.
Just plant those all together, they sell better in groups,

It does take a little trail and error,.
When you price them, I just use the pricer and click up on the price about 3 times. Try this when you sell you'll get more for your plants.
then as you progress you can by the better water and soils.
It takes a little time, unless you want to play in fast mode.
I hope this helps..
Posted by: Catman51

Re: New user - 01/14/05 07:06 PM

If you read through this forum there are a lot of tips on how to handle the new plants in a new game.
Best one, keep breeding the same plant with the same plant until you make enough money to up your water and dirt. New hybrids only survive in better dirt and water.
Posted by: sherri06

Re: New user - 01/14/05 08:25 PM

Thanks for the tips - also, how fast does your "fast" setting move? It seems like it takes forever even inthe fast mode. Or maybe im just too impatient.....
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: New user - 01/14/05 08:29 PM

Hi, Sherri! I can't speak for everyone's device, but on my Pocket PC it takes about two hours on fast speed for seeds to grow up to mature plants that can be pollinated. When I first got the game, I could hardly wait for the two hours to pass so that I could play with my plants some more!
Posted by: fssia

Re: New user - 04/23/05 03:44 AM

sherri, when you have enough $ to buy InstaGrow, then everything will be real fast. So keep breeding the most expensive plant you have now and build up your bank a/c. Don't cross breed until you upgrade your soil. I recommend upgrading to the best soil asap, I think it's the soil from Isola.
Posted by: JonM

Re: New user - 05/08/05 08:59 PM

That's what I did. I found a fairly good priced plant, 20 or 30 dollars will do. Breed that one by it self until you have all the upgrades.
Posted by: Goatherd

Re: New user - 05/26/05 02:11 AM

When I plant two seeds harvested from the same plant, they often have very different prices from each other. Is that "real," or would both plants actually sell for the same price in my nursery?

Also, will the higher price pass into that plant's seeds? For example, if I self-pollinated both of those "sibling" plants, would the seeds from the more-expensive plant also grow into more-expensive plants?
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: New user - 05/26/05 11:50 AM

It's been my experience that the prices initially set for the plants are estimates of their value, and the price appears to be based upon such things as the number of flowers that the plant will have when it's mature, foliage configuration, etc. You can almost always sell a plant at a higher price than the one initially set for it, especially if you have lots of people coming to your nursery.

When I'm breeding for money, I self-pollinate only the highest-priced plants. They still sometimes produce 'inferior' seeds that aren't as valuable as the parent, but (in general) the seeds from that effort will continue to produce more valuable plants (to a point) - you're never going to see a high price tag on a common plant.