What should I buy?

Posted by: MikaelAlexis

What should I buy? - 12/21/08 02:52 AM

I was just wondering what the best stuff would be to buy.. like the things I should buy first over others.. I can't seem to keep most of the fish alive. just basic tips would be nice.. BASIC haha, I don't want to know everything.. just some little things..
Posted by: halidog

Re: iPhone ft help - 12/21/08 03:01 AM

If you look at your fish, and it's sick, there are 2 basic diseases:
Click to reveal..
Fungal, which has green spots near the tail.
Ick, which has white spots near the tail.

To get rid of either, get the correct treatment from the shop.

Also, don't forget to feed your fish smile .
Posted by: MikaelAlexis

Re: iPhone ft help - 12/21/08 03:05 AM

well, it's on my phone so it's so small I can't tell! but that's basically the only way? I mean the health meter goes down, but it doesn't say status:sick... which it usually does.
Posted by: halidog

Re: iPhone ft help - 12/21/08 03:08 AM

It might be that
Click to reveal..
the fish you have are too rare for the tank. You can fix this by researching Environment.

Posted by: MikaelAlexis

Re: iPhone ft help - 12/21/08 03:09 AM

I did one research env. and they still don't stay alive.. so idk.. they usually die around age 5.
Posted by: halidog

Re: iPhone ft help - 12/21/08 03:14 AM

If you have
Click to reveal..
level 2, you might need level 3.

That's all I can think of.
Posted by: MikaelAlexis

Re: iPhone ft help - 12/21/08 03:29 AM

Posted by: COIS

Re: iPhone ft help - 12/30/08 11:44 PM

What you need to do is only breed common fish when you start... So breed the same fish or similar bodies like spotanus or fatfish. If you can breed magic fish 1 and 2 which should be able to be hatched from buying common and unusual eggs you can make a lot of money selling them. Only when you have enough money to research and obtain the environment research will you be able to breed other types of fishes. It will take time to make lots of money and obtain the research but once you have completed level 2 research which is the first step, you can start breeding new fishes that will live longer. Your goal is to make money to research all things, food, environment and advertising to level 3 which will allow fish to live, eat less and you will have more people in your store to buy the fish. Your other primary goal is to get another tank so you can breed more fish. My advice is to keep your important fish in one tank.. i.e. breeders and magic fish in one tank and pregnant fish in another and of course fish you don't need or cash cows in the sale tank.
