
Posted by: Anji

Poetry - 10/11/07 10:47 AM

Some of you may know me from VV 1 & 2. Well, I have been asked to start a poetry thread in here now. So, like it or not, here is my first poor attempt.

Our friends the "Gods" have done it again,
Here I sit click clicking away,
But not this time wee women and men,
With soil and water and seed I play.

With big coloured nets the bugs to catch,
They run fast as light between the pots,
If I'm not quick more beasties they'll hatch,
Oh Yes !! Thats them, those little black dots.

Then after a while those plants will sprout,
With fantastic blooms on top they'll grow,
Cross Pollination ?? Now what's that about ??
Believe you me, you'll very soon know.

Take care with those clippers your aim must be true,
Those dead brown leaves, really really must go,
Now to the Cactus, I have only a few,
My Citrus Ball's ball just fell, Oh No !!!

A Dragonfly !! Quick, catch the wee pest,
Blast it, I pressed the camera instead,
Its no good my friends, I really must rest,
I'll get them in my dreams, so now its off to bed.

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