Can I make a suggestion for those seeking help?

Posted by: Rockmower

Can I make a suggestion for those seeking help? - 05/22/08 05:45 AM

Hey fellow VV fans, I know you're all enjoying VV3 as much as I am, but this section is getting very difficult to keep up with due to all the multiple posts on the same subject.

I would really like to suggest you take the following steps before posting a request for help in here:

1) READ THE GUIDES SECTION. Many of our answers are now available in there, including a complete list of potions and a thorough list of hints for your puzzles. There's even a detailed solve list for the puzzles available there!

2) IF, AFTER READING THE GUIDES, YOU STILL HAVE A QUESTION, TRY SEARCHING TO SEE IF SOMEONE ELSE HAS ALREADY ASKED/SOLVED YOUR QUESTION HERE. There are a couple of ways to do this. You can of course just scan this section for similar topics, but it might be easier to do a true search using the forums search function. You can click on the word search at the top right of your page and type in a word EXAMPLE: CHIEF and it will give you a list of posts on that topic. It is very likely that you will find your answer that way.

Not only will following these steps make it easier on the moderators to keep up with the forum, it will also make it easier for you and I to enjoy it.

Thank you for helping keep the forums fun and enjoyable for everyone! \:D

Good Luck with your game!
Posted by: HappyPlayer

Re: Can I make a suggestion for those seeking help? - 05/22/08 08:31 AM

(Thank you Rockmower.)
I'd like to add a request regarding new Post Titles for Puzzle Questions.

Well, VV fans, we know that you've got questions and we've got answers! But there are some among us who would prefer to not have spoiler info right in the topic list titles.

To keep the Topic Titles free from giving away too much, I recommend the following: \:D

1) If AFTER your search you realize that you need to create a new post, please to be sure to add a [SPOILER] tag if the post has or is asking for details regarding solving a puzzle.

2) EQUALLY IMPORTANT: Instead of including information about the puzzle in your title, please use the puzzle's number.

Puzzle numbers run from left to right, starting at the top, and are from 1 to 16, as follows:

[ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [ 4]
[ 5] [ 6] [ 7] [ 8]
[ 9] [10] [11] [12]
[13] [14] [15] [16]

3) There may be times that you need to add a detail to your title to separate your topic from another. If that happens, please do not use your title to ask if the puzzle is specifically this or that. And if you are asking for information regarding part of a puzzles solution, please do not put the details of your solution in your title.

These recommendations will make it easier for others to help you, or to find the help in your post. AND, In addition it will keep spoilers to a minimum for those among us who do not want to run into spoilers.

Thank you very much! Enjoy your games! \:D
Posted by: arnie

Re: Can I make a suggestion for those seeking help - 05/22/08 03:35 PM

Another suggestion to help everyone find what they are looking for in the forum:

Please, if you can't find anything about your question, use a descriptive title in your new post. By that I mean, for example, "Chief won't direct statue repair" and NOT something like "Help!!!".

That is just an example, by the way; there are lots of threads about the chief and the statue going already, so, as Rockmower says, search the forum before asking!
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: Can I make a suggestion for those seeking help - 05/22/08 03:56 PM

But I would, again, caution against using any title that is so descriptive that it contains game-ruining spoilers. Many people really do want to solve the game on their own. \:\)
Posted by: Jazzo

Re: Can I make a suggestion for those seeking help - 05/22/08 05:14 PM

I'd also say this:

IF YOU ARE HAVING ISSUES WITH TIME: i.e. nusring forever, things not growing, weird ages, see thie thread. Although it is in the VV2 forum, it applies to all games.
Posted by: nuttyjuls

Re: Can I make a suggestion for those seeking help - 05/22/08 06:26 PM

I put HELP!!! at the end of my post because I has been through the guides & various forums & sitting for several hours chasing villagers & needed HELP. Sometimes its wonderful even to know someone else has the same difficulty as you begin to think is it me am I stupid? I love the vv games as I have posted on other forums this is the first forum I have posted on ever, but there are times when those of us who are not "gamers" get frustrated & stuck THANKYOU to the various people in the forums whe help us "divvys" as we say in scotland idiots in the rest of the world.
Posted by: Parazombie

Re: Can I make a suggestion for those seeking help - 07/10/08 12:45 PM

All I have to say is the guides section has YET to fail me!
But if you really can't find the answer you're looking for try doing a search on it.
That has yet to fail me either.
Just to throw it out there.