Things to Think about for the next version of VV

Posted by: Gamemastr1

Things to Think about for the next version of VV - 04/05/07 05:40 PM

Since I have been playing for over 700 real hours (as my stats tell me) I have noticed some things and have some suggestions and was wondering what others thought or if they are experiencing the same things.

1) My people seem to get stuck in what I figure to be a mapping junction. Click here to see what I mean
The boy in the fire got there on his own and spazzes out way faster than I can capture. You'll notice the action bar.
2) I like using the number pad to hop to different sections of the island but sometimes it skims over different parts I want to see. Maybe the arrow keys can move you around gently.
3) When you are not playing in full screen mode and it is in a reduced window and you resize that window, the mapping is off. If you make the window a bit bigger and go to use the buttons, they only work in their original position.
4) Also I thought it would be nice if you double-clicked on a character it could automatically open the DETAILS window for that person.

I thought I would share what I have noticed and what I thought would make the game nicer. What does anybody else think?
Posted by: bajacalla

Re: Things to Think about for the next version of VV - 04/05/07 07:11 PM

I really like the double-click option suggestion to open details.
Posted by: Borg

Re: Things to Think about for the next version of - 04/06/07 07:35 AM

Originally Posted By: Gamemastr1
My people seem to get stuck in what I figure to be a mapping junction
That is called a "pathing error" and I believe they are aware of it. I do not know if a solution to this problem will be included, but there was talk a while ago of a new version of the program that I read was released to the beta testers. Other known problems you may or may not encounter include farmer AI. BTW, I am very impressed with your suggestions.

-Borg \:\)
Posted by: Mommylee

Re: Things to Think about for the next version of - 04/06/07 04:39 PM

Farmer AI?? Please explain for the newbie.
Posted by: Gamemastr1

Re: Things to Think about for the next version of - 04/06/07 06:59 PM

"AI" is Artificial Intelligence. Exactly what the farmers are having a problem with, I don't know. They seem to be doing farmer things to me.

Thank you Borg for the compliment. That was nice of you to say so. What exactly are the farmers having a problem with? Maybe I just haven't noticed.

Also has anyone notice that sometimes the kids do not "see" collectables? I noticed that if a collectable is about to disappear, they do not "see" it but there are times I see something pop up and I put a kid on it and they do "nothing". They do not seem to "see" it. Also I have seen a few times they will drop an item on their was to the science hut.