No diversity:(


No diversity:( - 04/20/13 02:06 PM

Humm, I'm sitting here with my daughter about to adopt our first family and again no people of color? Is it hard for the programmers to darken the skin a little to represent real families? Can you give it a try in part 3? Can we have some diversity? It is 2013 #kindofdisappointed
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: No diversity:( - 04/20/13 02:44 PM

Although we understand that many people would like to see more varied skin colors or cultural representation in our games, there are several reasons for the somewhat limited skin colors. I'd like to show you a topic that mentions a very important reason why the games do not have more color diversity.
Posted by: arnie

Re: No diversity:( - 04/20/13 02:59 PM

This subject has been brought up several times in the forums and I'm sure LDW want to find a solution, but it is at present technically impossible, short of bringing out different versions of the games for each ethnicity, which makes little sense commercially.
Posted by: Corylea

Re: No diversity:( - 04/20/13 07:42 PM

Couldn't there be a check box when the game begins where the player chooses which skin tone to use? I understand that you don't want to put a dark head on a light body or vice versa, so you need to have all of the people be the same shade, but with a check box at the beginning of the game, you'd simply use all dark people or all light people.

That still wouldn't give you diversity within a single play of the game, but at least people who are dark-skinned in real life could play a family or tribe that looks like them. It would double the size of the graphics files, but it shouldn't make a lot more work for the artist, since simply darkening the existing files would take very little time or effort.

Posted by: arnie

Re: No diversity:( - 04/20/13 10:29 PM

I know that there does exist a mod for one of the Virtual Villagers games with all the peeps having darker skins. I'd imagine one of the modders might produce a similar one for VF2 if there were any demand. However, the hair of most people of colour is black or dark brown, while one of the attractions of VV/VF is the wide range of hair colours,which, incidentally, make it easier to tell the peeps apart.