Mine's basically just been a lot of frustrated swearing at not being able to figure out the puzzles, and being extremely frustrated that my first Master Scientist, and my only Runner don't take care of themselves, and don't eat, and then I have to yell at them and tell them, "Stop working already! Go eat! Oh, you don't want to eat? I'll MAKE you eat!!!!" And then there's my personal favorite, "How stupid are you? Go to work!" (this of my Master Builder, who is so dumb that he just stands around most of the time doing nothing, and whenever I try to make him do something, he winds up walking or running away, and shaking his head. This of course makes me think, "OK, I guess the old addage of brawn without brains is true!"

The one I don't understand though, is when my alpha male stands around, and on action it says, "Waiting For Someone", and one of my females comes walking up to him, and kisses him, and he runs away!

I was like, "What are you running for, you moron? You stood around WAITING for her to come up to you, and now you're running for her? Do you really deserve to be alpha male?" lol.

I was intrigued with the game when they stopped having food shortages because they could fish now, and I quit the game, and came back later, and all of a sudden villagers are telling each other jokes, complaining, laughing, relaxing, etc. I was surprised and pleased. It just seems like it's making this game go faster (well, finding the detailed puzzle answers helped too! I was really ready to give up in frustration before finding it!)