I am really enjoying the game, but

Posted by: love

I am really enjoying the game, but - 01/23/19 12:42 PM

There is one thing I don't really care for. The crafting takes so long.
Posted by: KeeganAdministrator

Re: I am really enjoying the game, but - 01/23/19 06:46 PM

Hi there! Thanks for your feedback on the game. We're always reviewing these features to ensure a balance of fairness and a reasonable difficulty level.

That said, you can definitely speed up crafting, the rate at which resources grow back and more!

Spend Lavastones to produce crafted items faster or visit the Eagle of Speed (in mobile versions of the game) to speed up all time on the island. You can also buy the Lemur (in the free-to-play versions of the game) to find special items that advance your puzzle-solving much more quickly.

We hope you continue to have fun with your Virtual Villagers!
Posted by: AnnEB

Re: I am really enjoying the game, but - 01/27/19 05:21 AM

I'm with love on this one. Sure, one can use lavastones to speed up crafting. Bbuuuuuuttt.......you have to have one hell of alot of lavastones. I know the cracks sometimes have them (2 only) and the generator gives you 10 stones a day. But it will take me YEARS of playing and tending the village to get enough stones for either of the upgrade crafting bowls. Is there any other way? And if so, what is it!!!!
Posted by: KeeganAdministrator

Re: I am really enjoying the game, but - 01/28/19 08:14 PM

Hi Ann! We'd be more than happy to provide advice on how to maximize your Lavastone earnings, just let us know where you downloaded the game and what type of device you're playing on!
Posted by: gemkat2010

Re: I am really enjoying the game, but - 01/29/19 03:44 AM

I also love this game it's awesome! although agree with AnneEB that lavastones are so hard to come by.
For example to make yellow glass costs 97 lavastones (or 2 days)which are impossible to get, so it takes ages to finish puzzles.
I bought it from BigFish and realise there's a difference with the app so we cannot buy the stones. In fact, there are vast differences between the two and find there is very little help/walkthroughs online for the PC version and yet both are made by LDW.
Having got all the upgrades it would be great if the 3 million tech points could be used in some way.
Posted by: Virtual Player

Re: I am really enjoying the game, but - 02/01/19 03:34 PM

I agree with the above. I also bought my game from Big Fish, and the crafting DOES take way too long. I LOVE LOVE the game and larger map, but I have lots and lots of tech points, and it would be a great idea if (with excess tech points) the villagers could build a store. Or, if after you trade so many things with the boat, that they start selling things for tech points. I do now have two crafting bowls and that helps, but it will be another lifetime before I have 600 lava stones to buy the third bowl. With my suggestions, the game could be sped up after all of the tech upgrades have been maxed out. What works for me is that I set the game on crafting before I go to bed, and then again in the morning before I go to work. The downside of this method is that this clinical way of playing the game prevents me from "bonding" with the villagers. Waiting on colored glass now - sigh.