? re visiting merchants

Posted by: Simsane

? re visiting merchants - 06/21/16 11:13 PM

I started playing this game about a week ago. I've read about visiting merchants but haven't seen any. I was wondering if that won't happen before specific things are repaired. No need to say what specific things, just trying to make sure my game is behaving normally.

Also, I remember reading somewhere which days were lottery days but cannot find that info anywhere now. If anyone knows where to find that info, I would appreciate it.

Love this game!

Oh, and a hint to other newbies, there are lot's of bugs in the evening/night.
Posted by: tygerkittn

Re: ? re visiting merchants - 06/22/16 01:37 AM

Yes, some things need to be repaired.
Posted by: Simsane

Re: ? re visiting merchants - 06/22/16 03:40 AM

Thanks, tygerkittn, that's what I figured. You sure know a lot about this game!
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: ? re visiting merchants - 06/22/16 03:50 AM

This should help smile
Posted by: Ruby L

Re: ? re visiting merchants - 06/22/16 04:58 AM

FYI, LadyCFII, the link in your post above to the article is fine; however, the link on another article on Zendesk linking back to the forum on plant experimentation and another thread is broken. Two relevant forum threads are referenced and having read through most of those guides, I'm fairly sure only one article had two such links to threads by players, so that could narrow it down.

Would like to be more specific, but when I tried to make that comment on Zendesk, I was required to sign in (guess *that's* why no one has indicated they found the information helpful or not, lol), I decided to do so with Twitter. Another pop-up telling me to enter my email; another telling me my email matched another profile on file. I thought the message meant my profile from this forum, so I used the password I use here. INVALID. Well, now I cannot get past that pop-up, so I cannot confirm which article contains the broken link frown

I look forward to meeting those merchants as I've never had any visitors to town yet. Guess I need to finish up all those partially-finished repair jobs. smile
Posted by: LadyCFIIAdministrator

Re: ? re visiting merchants - 06/22/16 12:09 PM

I took a look real quick to see if I could locate the problem, and it looks like there are some broken links in the article about flowers. Heather (Xay) created that article, and she can fix those links so that they work. laugh
Posted by: Ruby L

Re: ? re visiting merchants - 06/22/16 04:41 PM

Thanks for the information. Sorry, Simsane for taking your thread a bit off topic, but those associated articles with the one LadyCFII suggested were so helpful to me that I kept exploring the guidebook. There was also an explanation of the misnomer "sources" of food, an issue about which both of us had questions. confused
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: ? re visiting merchants - 06/22/16 06:44 PM

Those have been fixed, there was a bit of an issue with extra code automatically being added to the link, which is what was causing the problem. They've been tested again, and if you see anything like that again, just let me know! smile
Posted by: Simsane

Re: ? re visiting merchants - 06/22/16 07:04 PM

Hi Ruby, no problem. I'm going to read those articles too, so glad you let them know the links are broken.

Also, thank you Xay. That was what I was looking for.