Coin issue at Amazon store

Posted by: Zia

Coin issue at Amazon store - 04/16/16 01:45 PM

Has anyone had a problem buying coins through Virtual Town through the Amazon store? This is the second time I've tried and not had it work. The order processes, but the coins don't get to the game.

I chatted with the Amazon reps and they said it was a glitch on VT's end.
I have the transcript if you (LDW) need it.
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: Coin issue at Amazon store - 04/19/16 04:01 AM

So sorry for the delay, Zia! On occasion, the process does seem to hiccup, but all of our testing has determined that it's an issue with Amazon (yes, I know that's not precisely helpful).

If Amazon gave you details, and if you're comfortable sending the transcript, you can click the link in my signature, and fill out a Support Request, and copy it there, or attach it. I can also help you get your coins that way if you haven't received them yet. In many reports, players have powered down their devices then received the coins.

Posted by: tygerkittn

Re: Coin issue at Amazon store - 04/19/16 07:52 AM

I couldn't buy the irrigation system on the new emulator I'm using, I clicked on it and clicked on OK, but nothing happened, however, that turned out to be a good thing. I moved 360 flowers to house plots so the irrigation thingy would work. 360!!!! Tonight when I logged in, the flowers were all back in the fields. All 360! My money had gone down a little, too, as if the day never happened.
Could trying to buy the irrigation system have done that? I checked the clock on the emulator, because it is set to some weird time zone and not my computer clock, which is fine by me, 5 am is too early, but it looked the same as usual and I didn't get a warning that my clock was wrong. Or could it be the update? I usually wait to install updates to make sure they're safe but this one sounded so awesome.
I don't mind groundhog days, but this is awful, especially on the one day I worked so hard! Why that day, of all days?
I'm so burnt out after losing all that work and not being able to buy the irrigation system that I don't even want to play for awhile. I don't care if the flowers die, at least I won't have to move them again.
I still love the game, I just can't face it right now. For future reference, though, is there another way to buy stuff? I downloaded from googleplay and it's the latest version, cinema and all.
My game was backed up on facebook, but it doesn't seem to have saved me from the stolen day. Is there any safer option for backing up?
Posted by: XayAdministrator

Re: Coin issue at Amazon store - 04/19/16 11:15 PM

The clock on the emulator was likely why you had a "stolen" day, but I cannot be sure. However, since we have not tested the game on any type of emulator, we cannot really support the problems your game is having. I'm very sorry, tygerkitten. frown
Posted by: tygerkittn

Re: Coin issue at Amazon store - 04/20/16 08:41 AM

Thanks anyway! It's still a great game.